UPDATE:francesco.lanzillotta who runs BiteYourConsole.it stop by our forums and dropped by a NO PSN version of this new application for the PS3. So download inside along with details about this new Application to hit the PS3 & PS4.. [break]ss[/break]
Today you will be able to enjoy the use of the Vevo app for both the PlayStation 4 and 3. For now selected countries include the UK, Germany, France, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, Poland, Australia, Italy and The Netherlands. Read on for more details.
You can now watch your favorite music videos and discover new ones with the Vevo app on PS4. Browse by top videos and artists and enjoy the latest premieres and live performances by the artists you love. PS4 VEVO APP Preview FREE Drawn to Death BETA Code - Duration: 3:19. MonkeyFlop 5,998. How to Activate PS4 and or Deactivate PS4 Why would you? VEVO App Review/Overview on Apple TV (FEB. Activate a Playstation Network Card on your PS4 PS3 Or PS Vita - Duration. Nadir VEVO 286 views. How to Redeem a PSN/PS Plus Code on PS4 - Duration: 0:52. Spllitz 621,990 views.
Select 1 min or customize later. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the.
We’re thrilled to be launching our Vevo app in select countries on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 systems starting today!

Vevo on PS4 and PS3 features:
- all the music videos and original shows you love and we even have a few special exclusives.
- our PlayStation apps can filter our videos by genre
- built from the ground up with the PlayStation experience in mind.
- built in tools such as a persistent left navigation menu
- dedicated artist pages
- access to all of our original programming.
- watch page that provides recommended content contextual to what you’re currently watching.
- all videos are displayed at the highest HD quality.
- create and edit playlists
Update - Download: NO PSN version for PS3 (CFW)

Vevo Activation Code Ps4 Bundle
Today you will be able to enjoy the use of the Vevo app for both the PlayStation 4 and 3. For now selected countries include the UK, Germany, France, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, Poland, Australia, Italy and The Netherlands. Read on for more details.Vevo Activation Code Ps4 Controller
We’re thrilled to be launching our Vevo app in select countries on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 systems starting today!We can’t wait to bring Vevo to PS4 and PS3 owners in United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and Spain with today’s PlayStation Store update.
Vevo Activation Code Ps4 Gamestop
Vevo Activation Code Ps4 Jailbreak
Vevo on PS4 and PS3 features:Vevo Activation Code Ps4 One
- all the music videos and original shows you love and we even have a few special exclusives.
- our PlayStation apps can filter our videos by genre
- built from the ground up with the PlayStation experience in mind.
- built in tools such as a persistent left navigation menu
- dedicated artist pages
- access to all of our original programming.
- watch page that provides recommended content contextual to what you’re currently watching.
- all videos are displayed at the highest HD quality.
- create and edit playlists
Vevo Activation Code Expired Ps4
Update - Download: NO PSN version for PS3 (CFW)