Php Mysql Website Source Code

Welcome to a tutorial on how to search and display results from the database using PHP and MySQL. Want to add search capabilities to your website? Well, it actually really isn’t that difficult in the simplest design: Create a simple HTML search form – Just a text box, submit button, and point to a PHP script.

College Networking Site, developed using PHP and MySQL database, is similar to popular social networking site like Facebook. But, it is not fully social as it is reserved for college students only. With this application, college students can share information between them such as educational materials, their profiles, images, videos, and more.

  1. Share Code kali ini ialah code membuat website toko online atau eCommerce dengan PHP dan MySQL, Source code besutan ini ada terdapat 3 source code, saya yakin source code kali ini bisa sangat bermanfaat dalam membuat tugas akhir atau skripsi. Toko Online ini sangat banyak digunakan diberbagai kalangan usaha, bahkan didesapun sekarang memakai jasa website, saya sendiri sering.
  2. Today I’m going to show you, Login Page, in PHP with Database namely MySQL with Source Code. Login Page or Login Form very important to develop a web application or desktop application. If you want to develop a web application or desktop application, First of All, you need to develop a Login Page with Database.

You can download the complete source code, and necessary project files of this networking project from the link below. Also, available in the download file are project documents: system testing, system design with DFD diagrams, paper presentation, and database design. This project is briefly introduced below, so you can refer the description here as general abstract of this project.

Download College Networking Site using PHP-MySQL with Source Code

Php Mysql Website Source Code


WebsitePhp Mysql Website Source Code

Download College Networking Site using PHP-MySQLwith Source Code and Documents


College Networking Site Project Abstract:

A social networking site restricted to college and the students enrolled there, College Networking Site provides a platform via which students can share information between them. No matter where students are located – in what country or part of the world, with this application college students can get connected for meaningful educational purposed.

In order to use the college networking site, students must be college students and they must create an account. Account creation for other users is restricted. Students can send friend requests to each other, and after that they can send messages, find old friends, share materials and stay connected.


  • It connects students from different countries and part of the world.
  • Students can share and collect knowledge by connecting with each other.
  • Educational materials such as question papers, tutorials, project materials, and presentations can be shared.
  • With this application, students can create their individual profiles and upload images, files, and videos.
  • It provides other social networking features such as email and groups, video sharing, articles, etc.

Inside the Application – System Design:

Applicable Document:

  1. Profile detail: It manages and stores students’ profile information.
  2. Education detail: It stores education articles, tutorials, questions papers, etc that are shared by students.
  3. Upload detail: It holds images, videos, and any other information uploaded into the application.

Functional Decomposition:

  • Student profile
  • Education profile
  • Education articles
  • Images and videos
  • Quiz, question papers, question-answers, etc.

Functional Components:

Functional Component 1: Student Profile

  • Input – Student adds profile information and education details.
  • Process – System checks previous student account and education details.
  • Output – Student can view education detail and profile details.

Functional Component 2: Tutorials

  • Input – Student uploads education articles, tutorials, images, videos, etc.
  • Process – System uploads education articles, tutorials, images, videos to database.
  • Output – Student can view uploaded education articles, tutorials, images, videos, etc.

Functional Component 3: Admin

  • Input – Admin can upload and share video tutorials, question papers, books, etc.
  • Process – System uploads education tutorials, question papers, books to database.
  • Output – Student can view uploaded tutorials, question papers, books, etc.

Also see,
Chat Room using PHP
Discussion Forum
More PHP Projects


Php Website Code

With this college networking website application you can connect with friends, find old friends, share pictures and messages, and reach out to new people registered into the application you’ve never met before. There may be rooms for enhancements and improvements in this project, so students are recommended to work on that to make this application a better one.