Traveller 5 Pdf

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  2. Traveller 5 Workbook Answers Pdf
  3. Traveller 5 Pdf

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Traveller 5 – Starship List

This list was compiled by me, using Robert Eaglestones Traveller Ships ported to T5 resources, the notes below were taken from the Small Craft List (also by Rob, who also generously provided me with a list of stats) and expanded to account for starship specialities. The list is far from complete and will change as I see fit and eventually encompass all my favorite Classic Traveller (and a bit of MT) starships, empty lines may be intentional 😉

The list is currently work in progress (WIP) and there are likely numbers present that only function as place holders.

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In the near future each and every starship I have modeled will be linked from the list below, allowing for a quick overview and access to the relevant information.

The stats I collected in the list below reflect only my personal taste and are neither stadardized nor official. The are all Traveller 5 based and I will likely build a second list to support Mongoose Traveller in the not too distant future.

100Scout/Courier9 32 22224 weeks 52.2Â Model/1bis130B,fs,1t,a/r
100Bounty Hunter1463334 weeks132.57600
100Express Boat13004454one month54.30Model/4 std410
200Free Trader1082111224 weeks42.6Model/1std4620st,fs,2t,a/r
200Far Trader1265022420.5 months62.20Model/2 std4610st,fs,2t,a/r
200Safari Ships20
200JG Safari Ship142512250one month92.93Computer Model/1 bis680sl,a/r,s20
200Yacht9011122one month72.10Model/1 std690
300Armored Merchant120333940.5 months106.70Computer Model/3 std6125
400Subsidized Merchant139711144one month98.80Model/1 std789s20
400JG Subsidized Merchant139711144one month98.80Model/1 std789s20
400Survey Ship
400Patrol Cruiser12504341364 weeks162Model/3 std80410 barracks, s30, gc, CT
400Lab Ship15-25122985 months138.40Computer Model/2 std710s40
500Close Escort14-1170551403 months275.40Model/6 std810s20
500Corvette1300552023 months308.20Model/3 std1410article
600Subsidized Liner122133199one month134.50Model/2bis std52120s10(s20)
800Mercenary Cruiser1203332761.5 months270.50Model/5 std5102s50
1000X-Boat Tender1302121603 months238.30Model/6 phot7100
1000Tukera RT Long Liner15130144404one Month254.3Model/4 std133614s20, U, +33
1200Colonial Cruiser15124445762 months553.501510
2000Frontier Transport15860222440one Month587,4Model/5 bis2005sl,fs,s90,a/r
2500Frontier Transport15222440one Month587,4Model/5 bis2005sl,fs,s90,a/r

NOTES: B = Lift Body. C = Cramped Bridge. K = Cargo Lock. L0 = Short Term Life Support. L2 = Long Term

Life Support. S = Spacious Bridge. +5 = Overtonnage by 5 tons.

Vol. Volume, in tons.

Name. Official name for the small craft.

Traveller 5 Pdf

TL. Technological Level at which this ship is manufactured.

Free. Open, configurable space, in tons. Basically cargo space (cargo bay may be a component that eats up free space, so that value would essentially be zero. Out of practical considerations I’m in the process of converting this value to true cargo space which can be considered somewhat configurable too).

Gs. Acceleration, in gravities.

Fuel/Duration. Fuel tank size, and operational time given a full tank. For starships this includes jump fuel (multiple jumps only when noted)

MCr. Price of small craft in millions of credits.

Computer. Computer model installed by default.

J = Distance in Parsec per single jump, PP = Power Plant rating

#j – number of jumps/ #jn number of jumps of n length

st – streamlined

#t – number of empty turrets (e.g.2t = 2 turrets, no weapons installed)

fs – fuel scoops

a/r – Air/Raft as subcraft, gc – Grav Carrier, alt. v4 – vehicle 4dt

Traveller 5 Workbook Answers Pdf

s## = Sub craft of ## tons (e.g. s50 = Modular Cutter, s40 = Pinnace, 2s30 = 2x Ship’s Boat, s10/s30 = Life Boat & Ship’s Boat), this gives tonnage, not the actual subcraft

f## = Fighter Subcraft of ## tons (e.g. f10 = Fighter, 2f20 = 2x Gig, f40 = Assault Cutter)

CT = Classic Traveller, some ships were re-specified during T5 development (e.g. the Lurushaar Kilaalum and Gazelle were upgraded to 500t), ships that have this note are shown with their CT tonnage ported to T5 (as close as possible).

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HG = High Guard Stats (LBB5)